The 19th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry (EMEC 19) will be held from the 3rd to 6th of December 2018 in Royat near Clermont-Ferrand, France.

This conference covers a broad range of topics within the field of environmental chemistry, and interdisciplinary presentations are very welcome. The EMEC meeting always attracts high quality science presentations and invited talks from internationally renowned researchers working in environmental chemistry and related fields.
The conference will be organized by the Institute of Chemistry of Clermont-Ferrand (ICCF) from the Clermont Auvergne University / CNRS / Sigma-Clermont, on behalf of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE).
The main objectives are to bring together scientists working in the field of environmental chemistry, to report the most advanced research progresses in this research field and to pave the way for the future research and challenges.