

Abstract submission

To submit an abstract you need to create an account by clicking HERE.           

Please use the same account for any additional submission. Each registrant is allowed to submit only one abstract for oral presentation as presenting/first author. Abstracts will be considered only if the guidelines are respected.

To submit an abstract, use the button below and follow the guidelines for the document layout.


Click here to submit an abstract


Guidelines for abstract preparation

Language : English

A4 page size

Margins : 2.0 cm

Title: Times New Roman 10, bold, in capital letters

Name of the authors: Times New Roman 8 in italics, underline the name of the author who will make the presentation

Authors address: Times New Roman 8 in italics, Research Institute, City, Country

Text: Times New Roman 9

Save the file as Name_Surname_1.docx


Decision of acceptance of oral or poster communications will be made by the Scientific Committee upon evaluation of the submitted abstracts. 


Guidelines for oral/poster presentations


Plenary lectures: 35 min + 10 min for discussion;

Regular oral presentations: 12 min + 3 min for discussion.

Presentations should be prepared in .ppt, .pptx or .pdf format and be uploaded at least 15 min before the scheduled start of your session.



Posters should be size A0 (841 x 1189 mm) and presented in portrait orientation.

Posters should be on display for the three days of the meeting.

Online user: 1